Honoring Mary Peltola and The Courageous Spirit of Alaska’s Indigenous Women

silverbow inn

Mary Peltola & Ramiel

Today we want to highlight one such figure – Mary Peltola – a woman whose strong spirit and determination have truly shaped our beautiful state.

Mary is a testament to perseverance. As a woman-owned hotel in downtown Juneau, we find her particularly inspiring.

A significant part of Peltola’s story is her role as a trailblazer for indigenous women in Alaska.

She broke down barriers not only as a woman but also as an indigenous leader in a male-centric environment. This helps pave the way for future generations of indigenous women to amplify their voices.

Born into the rich cultural tapestry of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, Mary navigated a world that often marginalized and overlooked women, especially those of indigenous descent.

Mary’s impact extends far beyond her individual achievements; it resonates deeply within the heart of Alaska itself.

As a state that cherishes its indigenous heritage, Mary’s story is a powerful reminder of the strength inherent in Alaska’s indigenous communities.

Beyond her achievements in Alaska, Peltola has continued to make waves on a national level, currently serving as a representative in the US House of Representatives>.

Here, she brings her unique perspective and unwavering commitment to advocacy for indigenous rights, environmental conservation, and social justice to the forefront of American politics.

At our Inn, we celebrate Mary not only as a remarkable person but also to reaffirm our dedication to promoting inclusivity and diversity within our community. As a business run by women, we recognize the significance of providing opportunities for women to thrive and succeed.

We honor the resilience of Alaska’s indigenous peoples and the enduring spirit of women everywhere. Mary will continue to inspire generations to come.