Sharing The Love For The Juneau Community

silverbow inn

Sharing The Love For The Juneau Community

Let’s get real – community is everything. The people, the conversations, the connections. It’s what makes your town, city, or region the cool place that it is.

At the Silverbow, community-mindedness is at our core. We know what makes our hotel special isn’t just our fresh cookies. It’s the Juneau community that houses our inn.

Community is at the Core of the Silverbow

Sharing the Love for the Juneau Community 1The Silverbow Inn started as a bakery. And, what brings people together better than baked goods? Nothing, that’s what.

It’s hard for most of us to resist the aroma of fresh bagels lingering in the streets. But, it wasn’t carb manipulation that brought us closer to the community. It was our commitment to each local that walked through our doors or asked us for help.

We dedicated the Silverbow bakery to brightening our neighbors’ days, with chewy bagels and real discussions. We were never in it to make a quick buck. No matter how early we had to wake up to bake, we did it because we adored every bagel served and chit-chat exchanged.

Flash forward, our bakery shut its doors. But in its place is our funky inn. It was the next step in our dedication to hospitality. And, we couldn’t do it without our community.

Loyal Rotary Club Members

Like a baby, the community always needs to be nurtured (not coddled, big difference). We’re proud that our owner Jill is the President of the Juneau-Gastineau Rotary Club. This special club meets every Thursday at 7 am. For the caffeine-addicted early birds out there, you have an open invitation to join in and discuss matters that affect our community’s livelihood.

What is a Rotary Club Exactly?

A rotary club is about assuming the responsibility of one thing – looking out for each other. This task seems like a pretty obvious one. But, service leadership is a major task. It requires more than just a brain and a cup of coffee. That’s why we’re so proud to have a fearless leader like Jill at the helm.

Our rotary club is a chapter of Rotary International, a global organization bringing citizens together to tackle big issues that communities may face. As members, we don’t just sit and eat muffins over breakfast. We have serious conversations. So, don’t be shy to caffeinate before the meeting.

In all seriousness, our Rotary Club is a friendly group simply devoted to creating meaningful projects and raising some dough to carry them out. Yes, it takes energy. But, the Juneau community is worth it.

There’s No Juneau Without Community

Sharing the Love for the Juneau Community 2So, what projects are we talking about here? With a vibrant city like Juneau, we’re always inspired. There are events, organizations, and initiatives to engage with, offering ways to strengthen and invigorate our community in the best way we can.

Juneau is home to an impressive arts community. The arts are at the heart of Juneau – our indigenous peoples created our rich foundation of innovation, one our Rotary Club supports through various initiatives. We raised funds to support the Alaskan Regional Theater’s artistic endowment so that they can continue their incredible programming.

We also dig getting hands-on too. The recent Ironman Alaska Triathlon made the perfect opportunity. Manning the water station at the event allowed us to not just keep people from dying from dehydration during the race (with this summer’s outrageous temperatures, that was a serious concern.) Our participation allowed us to connect with our community and visitors, welcoming them to the race the Juneau way – with a big personality and strong heart.

And, Don’t Forget – Community Has No Borders

One of the most kick-ass aspects of the Rotary Club is how it reminds us to stay connected to the world. In our mission, we dedicate efforts to supporting communities near and far. We aren’t talking Anchorage – we’re talking the world.

We organize an annual Silent & Outcry Auction to raise funds for both the Rotary Foundation and Juneau’s youth. This event bridges our community to the world, reminding us that giving back to our community means giving to others. You don’t have to see someone’s face every day to lend a hand.

Our global community matters. Don’t be shy – come on out and join our Rotary meeting. Or, if Juneau isn’t where you call home, find your local chapter. You won’t regret it.